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WEAREUNITED S.L. (waubrand.com) has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained on this Website is accurate and updated regularly. However, we kindly request that any errors herein be excused.


The domain WWW.WAUBRAND.COM (as well as all domains that, for positioning and structural purposes, are redirected within this Website, with the exception of commercial and/or advertising links to other websites) are owned by WEAREUNITED S.L., with tax identification number CIF: B-98616204, registered in the Companies House of Valencia, Volume 9764, sheet V158495, page 13, and domiciled at C/ La Sangre 7, Pta 18 46002 (Valencia), SPAIN.

Access to and use of this Website by any person shall make such person a User thereof, and implies unconditional and irrevocable acceptance of this Legal Notice and Terms of Use.

The User undertakes to make proper use of the Website pursuant to the provisions set forth in Act 34/2002 of July 11, the Spanish Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) and this Legal Notice. The User shall be liable for any damages caused by any breach of any of the obligations to which the User is subject.

It is strictly forbidden to use this Website in a way that may hinder other users, or use the services and contents herein in a manner contrary to applicable law, or to carry out activities in any manner contrary to law, fundamental rights, accepted principles of morality, or applicable public policy.


The contents of this Website are primarily intended to provide information and are addressed to the general public. Access to this information does not guarantee that said information, as well as texts, graphics or links, contained herein is accurate or complete.

Misuse of the contents of this Website shall not be the responsibility of WEAREUNITED S.L. but exclusively of the User accessing and making use of the said contents.


As an added value service provided to our visitors, WEAREUNITED S.L. offers links to other websites, social networks or portals that may be of interest to Users. We strive to carefully choose websites that we believe are useful and meet our high standards. However, as web pages change very quickly, we are not able to guarantee these standards at all times in all links to websites that we provide. Likewise, we shall not take responsibility for the content of any external websites linked to or referenced on this site by WEAREUNITED S.L.

With regard to the use of social networks where Users can be redirected to participate in events, contests and other activities, said use shall be governed by the specific conditions of each event, as well as by the Privacy Policy and internal regulations of the networks or websites in which the events, contests and activities are developed, which the User shall declare to acknowledge and accept from the moment they log in and participate in the events, contests and activities promoted by WEAREUNITED.

WEAREUNITED belongs to a corporate group that, among other activities, is devoted to unveiling collections, doing promotions, organising events, as well as providing Users with information on trends, fashion, products and services.
As regards this Website, it contains links to sites of other corporate group brands, for the purposes of official presentation of the same, with the sole intention to make their collections and fashion trends known to our target group.


Any and all intellectual property rights associated with the content of this Website—whether text, images, sound files, trademarks, logos, colour schemes, or any other element, its structure and design, selection and presentation of materials included in it and its source code—are the exclusive and sole property of WEAREUNITED S.L., thus having the exclusive right to use them. Simple access to the Website does not grant Users any usage right over names, titles, words, sentences, trademarks, or others, that might be or have been available.

Their reproduction, distribution, dissemination and transformation, in whole or in part, without the express authorisation of WEAREUNITED S.L. is strictly prohibited by law. Likewise, all names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained herein are protected by law.


The use of certain services and content offered by WEAREUNITED S.L. through this Website may be governed by specific conditions, which can complement and/or modify this Legal Notice. Therefore, before using such services, Users are kindly requested to read the following Specific Terms of Use, which state as follows:

Access to this Website is open. Users may be asked to register to access the Website by providing personal data for mere identification purposes in order to establish good rapport between WEAREUNITED corporate group and the User.

Website User shall be able to browse the Website within an informative environment. Through this Website Users may request product information, view current collections, watch or read the news, read pages and blogs, etc.

In no case shall direct sales of the new collections be offered through this Website.

Redirected sites shall be governed by this disclaimer, provided they belong to WEAREUNITED  corporate group and its brands.

The User hereby declares to have read, understood and accepted these Specific Terms of Use.


WEAREUNITED S.L. reserves the right to update, modify and/or delete both the information contained in this Website and the configuration or presentation thereof at any time without prior notice and without assuming any responsibility for it.


All communications between WEAREUNITED  corporate group and its customers and/or users shall be deemed confidential.
We hereby advise Users not to disclose to unauthorised third parties their user ID and password, so as to ensure absolute security and confidentiality.


WEAREUNITED  undertakes not to disclose information to any third parties not belonging to its corporate group and, if necessary, to do so upon authorisation by the user concerned.


Cookies are small files that our computer sends to that of the User, but which do not provide us with information on the User’s personal data. The cookies we use cannot read data from the User’s computer or read the cookies already stored on the User’s computer. This information is essential for servers to communicate and send the request submitted by the User so that it can be viewed on the screen through the browser.


WEAREUNITED S.L. shall not assume any liability that may arise from technical problems or equipment failures that may occur during connection to the Internet, as well as for any damages that may be caused by illegal access by third parties, which is beyond the control of WEAREUNITED S.L. WEAREUNITED S.L. also disclaims all liability for possible damages caused to Users as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided herein when it comes from external sources, with the exception of all those actions resulting from the application of legal provisions to which it is subject to strictly perform its duties.


WEAREUNITED S.L. reserves the right to merge with and sell all or part of its activity to a third party. Accordingly, and as part of the business, the data collected from Users shall be disclosed. WEAREUNITED S.L. shall suggest that the acquiring party informs Users of the new situation, although WEAREUNITED S.L. cannot guarantee that the said notification will be made.

Moreover, in case of insolvency proceedings, bankruptcy or termination of the activity of the company, WEAREUNITED S.L. shall not be able to have control over the information any longer; leaving those terms to the applicable law that governs the determination of this type legal situation.


WEAREUNITED reserves the right to change its Security and Data Protection Policy in order to always comply with applicable Spanish legislation and to protect the website Users.
Any such changes that may affect the User shall be communicated to them either through the same web page or by sending an e-mail for said information purposes.


This Legal Notice shall be governed by Spanish law. Accordingly, any conflict or dispute that may arise shall be subject to relevant law and submitted to the jurisdiction of the competent Courts as stipulated in the applicable procedural legislation.